10 Ways You Can Make Your Morning Coffee Even Better

Photo by almaje from Shutterstock

Peppermint Oil Extract

Peppermint oil extract is a great choice when you want your coffee to be flavored, but without adding any sugar or having unknown ingredients. It is extracted from the peppermint plant, and it’s generously rich in flavor and refreshing.

If we didn’t convince you so far to leave everything and get a cup of coffee, we’re gonna make it worse for you: you can combine it with creamer, alternative milk, or coconut oil.

Yep, we just told you the secret recipe for the true delight of coffee. Just remember to add only two drops of pure peppermint oil extract to your mug, otherwise, it might steal the taste of the coffee.

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3 Responses

  1. Thank you so much fir the great information or articles you guys sending me . New ideas that be great always

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