8 Best Arthritis-Friendly Foods for Joint Relief

Arthritis Friendly Food
Photo by Kitreel at Shutterstock

Olive oil

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil can have a promising effect on arthritis symptoms. Besides reducing inflammation, some studies have shown that certain compounds in this arthritis-friendly food could promote autophagy.

This process helps clear out damaged cells from your body, which could benefit those suffering from arthritis. In one particular study, mice were fed extra-virgin olive oil for six weeks.

This helped stop the development of arthritis, slow cartilage destruction, reduce joint swelling, and decrease inflammation.

A test-tube study also found that compounds pulled from olive oil could lower the production of pro-inflammatory compounds in an individual’s joints, which aids in managing arthritis.

Likewise, diets that are rich in olive oil, like the Mediterranean diet, have decreased pain and enhanced physical function for people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Even though more research is needed on the effects of olive oil on this condition, adding olive oil or any other healthy fats to your diet can greatly benefit your overall health and reduce arthritis symptoms.

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