5 Common Reasons People Avoid the Doctor

Do you know why many people avoid the doctor and postpone their regular check-ups as much as possible? 

Even if we know that going to the doctor is for our good, for some people the feeling of walking into a doctor’s office, counting down the days to their appointment, and going through a lot of tests, especially the blood tests (some people are actually terrified of them no joke!), fills them with anxiety and dread. It might sound unusual, but 3% of the population have a phobia of doctors, mostly due to past experiences.

Some people avoid the doctor, saying that they’re never sick or that they don’t have any unusual symptoms. While this may be true, regular checkups are mandatory for everybody. Finding minor health issues early on is essential to preventing more serious ones. Below are some main reasons people avoid the doctor, and strategies for overcoming them. And if you’re also one of them, hey, chin up! You will be able to overcome your fear after reading our article.

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You have bad habits and you know it

And when we say bad habits, eating high-calorie foods isn’t the only thing. Smoking a lot and drinking more than a beer per week or month are also two major bad habits that can damage our health if they aren’t approached moderately.

Having some harmful habits and being aware of them is one of the common reasons people avoid the doctor. After all, it’s not easy to tell someone that they haven’t worked out since high school or that they consume a bit too much fast food.

Some people claim they don’t want to hear about things they already know. However, doctors are supposed to be helpful. Their purpose is to give you helpful suggestions or a proper treatment if necessary to enhance your health, not to judge you.

Be brave, make that appointment, and discuss your issues with your doctor. Trust the process; even if it’s not easy, your doctor is there to help you.

Medical care COSTS a LOT!

One of the most common reasons people avoid the doctor is because they can’t afford all the medical costs. Even if there are a couple of discounts for seniors, a lot of insured people still face trouble when it comes to medical coverage and care.

Money is a huge issue for many individuals nowadays, and with so many skyrocketing prices for even the most basic tests, a lot of people say if they don’t have any bad symptoms or if they feel alright, there is no need to go to the doctor.

And because of this, we end up going to the doctor as a last resort, and this usually leads to even higher costs.

Having symptoms that worry you

This should be enough to call and make an appointment; however, not everybody is so brave, and this is one of the reasons why people avoid the doctor. Maybe the symptoms that you have are nothing but signs of minor anemia that can be easily treated with proper medication and diet. But you won’t know if you don’t go check it with your doctor.

A lot of people say they don’t want to be diagnosed because they’re afraid of both the disease and the cost of the treatment and how hard or easy the recovery will be. However, preventing something from developing into a more serious health problem usually requires early identification.

people avoid the doctor
Photo by Iakobchuk from Envato Elements

You are a shy person / or you’re embarrassed about certain things in your life

Aren’t we all a bit ashamed to talk to strangers about our private lives? Well, this is yet one of the multiple reasons people avoid the doctor. Many people find it awkward to have direct questions about their intimate lives or how well their bowel works asked of them, especially by a stranger or someone they may have just met.

Furthermore, needing to undress for a physical exam when you’re not exactly happy or proud of your body looks may also be a huge impediment that keeps you away from regular check-ups. The main examples here are prostate and breast examinations that can be pretty invasive and make people uncomfortable.

On the other hand, we all know that not all doctors are the same, which adds up to many individuals’ fear. Maybe at some point in the past you went to a doctor everyone else recommended, but your experience was not that good. This happens to a lot of people, and after one or two encounters like this, there is no surprise they will refuse to go again for good.

Imagine going to the doctor for a serious issue because you had various worrying symptoms, and all you get in return is “You’re making a big deal out of nothing” or “You’re being dramatic.” Very discouraging!

Another reason people avoid the doctor is because they are afraid of being told their symptoms are “all in their head.” If you’re one of these people and you have anxiety regarding doctors, before making an appointment, make sure you do your homework.

Search thoroughly on trusted review platforms, visit the preferred doctor’s website, and see if you can contact them directly; verify their credentials if they’re legit or not, and lastly, don’t forget to consult your medical insurance and see what tests it covers.

You worry the visit will take forever

Although fitting a visit to the doctor into a chaotic schedule can be challenging, the brief time you spend there now can help you avoid health problems down the road. Making a list of all your health issues, concerns, and questions to ask your doctors is one way to get the most out of your visit.


Apart from all these reasons people avoid the doctor, there might also be a hidden trauma. Individuals who have experienced trauma in the past might be particularly hesitant, especially if they are terrified of going through their trauma again. To overcome these emotions, it’s great if you have someone who you can talk to about it. But if you can’t afford therapy for various personal reasons, you can also try and read a book about this topic.

Managing the Psychological Impact of Medical Trauma: A Guide for Mental Health and Health Care Professionals, written by two acknowledged doctors, is a helpful book meant for people and patients who have had a traumatic experience in a health care setting, and because of that, they aren’t able to move on and trust the medical personnel again. The book is available on Amazon in both Kindle and paperback formats.

Are you afraid of going to the doctor? Have you had bad experiences in the past? Tell us your story in the comments below.

Going to regular check-ups and having a good relationship with your doctor is the key to success when it comes to our health. However, if your doctor sees a lot of patients, they may overlook some information. So it’s your job as a patient who is concerned and curious about their condition to ask your doctor the right questions. You don’t know what we are talking about? Take a look at this article 8 Questions Your Doctor Would Like You to Ask.


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