5 Reasons You’re Always Feeling Tired

reasons you feel tired
Photo by UniqDream from Shutterstock

3. Eating a lot of sugar

We all know that sugar can be bad if you are eating too much, but did you know that it can also be one of the reasons you feel tired? Now you might think that this can’t be a possible cause for you since you are not eating candy, but even if candy and sweet things, in general, are the main culprits, you should know that all of the refined carbohydrates, such as chips, white bread, rice, and cereal, are all sugary.

After you consume these foods, your sugar and blood levels will spike, and you might feel more energized and alert. But this is not something that will last. This initial feeling of energy will go away, and you will get what is called a “sugar crash.”

When this happens, your blood sugar will crash, and you will start to feel irritated and fatigued. Now, this doesn’t mean you should not eat sugar. This is a part of our diet, and it is okay to eat it, but in moderation.


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