10 Early Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes That Are Often Overlooked

Photo by PeopleImages.com – Yuri A from Shutterstock

6. You’re always moody

If it’s not your born-with-mood, grumpiness should concern you. And it’s not just grumpiness… Some may be easily irritated or short-tempered. So, if you find yourself yelling at your neighbor’s dog because it barks a lot (that’s what dogs are supposed to do) and you didn’t lose your house that day or filed for bankruptcy, maybe you have type 2 diabetes.

When your blood sugar levels are uncontrolled, there’s a “beast” in you ready to take control. That’s why people with type 2 diabetes are always moody. As a matter of fact… high blood sugar, also known as hyperglycemia, is easily misdiagnosed with depression because the symptoms are quite similar. To put it in a nutshell, when you’re out of whack, call your doctor.

If you live with diabetes or someone close to you has it, do your due diligence and read more about this disease. Here is our book recommendation!

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