7. Your vision is blurry
There is a number of factors that can cause blurry vision, such as a detached retina, a stroke, conjunctivitis, eye strain, and a migraine. But type 2 diabetes could be responsible, too. Blurry vision occurs in type 2 diabetes patients because the glucose concentration in their eyes is different from the rest of their bodies.
However, most doctors think that blurry vision is the “best” thing that could happen to people with type 2 diabetes since it’s an early sign of the condition which can’t be overlooked like most type 2 diabetes signs and symptoms. Once you get the right treatment for your medical condition, the blurry vision disappears.
3 Responses
good early warning before tests type to diabetes mellitus i agree
can you take black ginger root with metaformin and farxiga type 2 diabetes
I have type 2 diabetes and have a red patch on my right foot and don’t know what its from