5. You’re tired even after naps
Feeling tired now and then is perfectly normal, especially when your job implies physical activity. And it doesn’t have to be your job specifically. Another example would be a weekend spent watching your grandkids who are toddlers. But when you’re feeling tired all the time, even after a nap, maybe type 2 diabetes makes its presence felt.
Ongoing fatigue is something most people ignore, blaming their jobs, financial struggle, stress, unfortunate events, or other things. However, the vast majority of type 2 diabetes patients have reported tiredness as an early symptom, so maybe, you’re one of them. Don’t neglect this symptom, especially when you used to be an active person.
3 Responses
good early warning before tests type to diabetes mellitus i agree
can you take black ginger root with metaformin and farxiga type 2 diabetes
I have type 2 diabetes and have a red patch on my right foot and don’t know what its from