10 Early Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes That Are Often Overlooked

Photo by SG SHOT from Shutterstock

4. You’re hungrier than most people around you

Maybe you think you have a good appetite, but if you’re hungrier than normal, you might want to consider that something’s going on in your body. To understand how blood glucose levels work for diabetics, first, you must know the process in healthy people.

After eating, blood glucose levels tend to go up, and when the insulin starts, they usually go down. However, when it comes to people with diabetes, insulin is unable to do its job properly, meaning transporting blood sugar throughout the body to be used as energy (fuel).

And what happens when you don’t have enough fuel? You can’t do basic chores or complete your tasks accordingly. That’s why you’re hungrier than the rest… Because your body signals you that it doesn’t have enough fuel. Sadly, just eating won’t help the issue, so contact your doctor.

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