10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Eat Peanut Butter

peanut butter
Photo by Brent Hofacker from Shutterstock

3. You can drop unwanted pounds

The fact that peanut butter contains so much fat makes many people think it’s bad for their diet. Here’s a rule of thumb to remember: not every type of fat is harmful and our body definitely needs this ingredient to stay in good shape.

What’s more, peanut butter can even help you to reach your weight loss goals! How? One of the main reasons is related to protein: only 2 tablespoons contain 7 grams of protein, which is essential for muscle growth.

Then comes the essential element of satiety: in simple terms, eating 100 calories of peanut butter is much more satiating than 100 calories of potato chips, for instance. The feeling of satiety is essential for any diet because it prevents unhealthy cravings, thus helping you maintain a healthy eating schedule.

But beware! Choosing the wrong type of peanut butter can lead you into a trap…

4. You might gain weight too

Peanut butter can be a very deceiving food especially if you’re not used to reading the labels – or if you combine it with unhealthy ingredients.

Firstly, now that you know that the fat in peanut butter is actually good, you should avoid low-fat products by all means. That’s because reduced-fat peanut butters are often overloaded with sugars to seem more satisfying, when in fact all they do is add extra pounds to your waistline.

Specialists also recommend avoiding peanut butters with hydrogenated oils (listed on the label), since this substance can increase your risk of clogged arteries over time.

Lastly, make sure that the other foods or ingredients you combine peanut butter with are equally healthy. White bread, for example, can be a disastrous choice if you don’t know how to pick the right option.

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