21 Foods That Have Next to Zero Calories

Photo by pilipphoto from Shutterstock


Cucumbers are probably one of the most refreshing veggies on earth. This is mainly because they are almost entirely made of water. In general, they are commonly used in salads, but you can consume them as you please since you’ll get the same benefits eventually. Ahh, and to highlight the fact that they are almost calorie-free, 52 grams of cucumbers pack only 8 calories.


With a sort of licorice taste, this bulbous veggie is used in many dishes to boost flavor. Even fennel seeds are used in some dishes. But the best thing about this vegetable is its versatility. You can consume fennel either roasted, braised, or raw. Besides, one cup (approximately 87 grams) of raw fennel packs only 27 calories.

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