These 6 Surprising Things Can Destroy Your Liver!

things that can destroy your liver
Photo by Vintage Tone at Shutterstock

6. Sugary beverages

When we say sugary beverages, we mean every juice that is loaded with sugar, including sodas. And it is no wonder that they are on a list of drugs that can destroy your liver. Since they are full of sugar, they increase the risk of obesity.

The Journal of Hepatology published a study in 2015 that showed that those who preferred to drink one or more sugary drinks daily had more markers of fatty liver disease than those who didn’t drink such beverages or those who chose to drink the diet options.

The risk that the study talks about was observed in those who were already overweight or obese.

Remember that even if you drink diet sodas, this is not good for your health. Maybe they don’t affect your liver that much, but that doesn’t mean they are good.

Another study found that those who drank two sodas or any other sugary drinks per day for six months had symptoms of fatty liver disease.

If you want to know what the best recipes are that you can cook to have a healthy liver, this book might help you: Fatty Liver Diet Cookbook: Detoxify Your Liver to Regain Health and Energy

As you can see, there are many things that can destroy your liver. The best move you can make is to avoid them as much as possible. We think that this is the most efficient strategy and will help you have a healthy liver.

You should also read: 8 Worst Beverages You Should Leave on Grocery Store Shelves

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