2. Things that can destroy your liver: Tylenol
Tylenol, also known as acetaminophen, is a drug that can be found in over-the-counter medications for the flu and cold. It might also be used in prescribed medications used for severe pain, such as Percocet and Vicodin.
But taking acetaminophen in high doses is definitely one of the things that can destroy your liver. It can even cause death. The odds of surviving an overdose are excellent if it is treated quickly, although prevention is the to-go option that everyone prefers.
Acetaminophen should never be used in excess of the dosage that is advised, and you should never take more than one prescription that includes it. So, whenever you take over-the-counter medication for your cold, it is best to always read the labels first. In this way, you will be sure about all the ingredients, and you can avoid taking too much acetaminophen by mistake.
There are dozens of products that contain this drug on the market, so always be careful!
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Please let me know about the foods to avoid to keep my liver healthy