Do You See These 13 Worrying Signs When You Look in the Mirror?

worrying sign
Photo by fizkes from

Worrying Sign: Can’t Move One Side of Your Face

The inability to move part of your body should raise immediate red flags and you should get in contact with a medical professional immediately.

If you suddenly can’t move one side of your face then you may be suffering from Bell’s palsy. This condition happens when a virus or something else presses on a nerve that controls the muscles in your face. The inability to move that side of your face could develop over a couple of hours or a few days.

Though it may be scary or even shocking, it’s usually not that serious of a condition. You could get better between 3 to 6 months. Look out for pain behind your ear or in your jaw, too!

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One Response

  1. i hate my face and neck wrinkles but dont have the money wish i did to do something with this i got people telling me i look old cause you got winkles that make me feel bad dont want to go out side.

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