Do You See These 13 Worrying Signs When You Look in the Mirror?

worrying sign
Photo by Quinn Martin from

Worrying Sign: Facial Paralysis With Other Symptoms

But facial paralysis could be far, far more dangerous, which is why contacting your doctor quickly is so important. When paired with other symptoms, facial paralysis can be a sign of a stroke which happened when the blood flow is cut off to part of your brain. This could happen when blood vessels burst or get blocked.

If you notice any of these other symptoms, get immediate medical help:

  • The lover part of your face is suddenly paralyzed
  • Your speech is slurred
  • Double vision
  • Numbness or weakness in your arms or legs
  • You have trouble swallowing
  • You feel dizzy

Also, if you notice any of these worrying signs in the people around you, get them medical help!

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One Response

  1. i hate my face and neck wrinkles but dont have the money wish i did to do something with this i got people telling me i look old cause you got winkles that make me feel bad dont want to go out side.

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