Top 6 Most Common Causes of Lower Back Pain in Seniors

most common lower back pain causes
Photo by fizkes from

1. Sedentary lifestyle

Everyone can benefit from an active lifestyle: your body feels better, your mind is clear and ready to tackle all the hard work the day ahead might bring you, and you feel positive energy overall.

Experts say that some of the most common causes of lower back pain also include a sedentary lifestyle. If you always sit down and don’t move your body (we’re not talking about hitting the gym or working out at home; walking or dancing are also activities that count as moving), it will become stiff and will start hurting sooner or later.

That’s because humans were designed to move and to be active, and when you don’t do the things that you were programmed to do, you’re more likely to experience muscle weakness and decreased flexibility.

Speaking of weakness, you could experience that in your buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and hamstrings, basically in all those areas that support the spine. Lack of movement is more likely to be one of the most common causes of lower back pain, so take a look at your activity level and do what’s best for you and your body.

If you’re sick of these most common causes of lower back pain, I recommend you start including some physical exercises in your routine! Here’s a Kindle-friendly book with all the exercise a senior needs! Check it out!

If you need more tips on lifestyle from Indulging Health, here’s something else for you: Top 10 Strangest Side Effects Antibiotics Can Give You!

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