Are You Experiencing Any Of These Symptoms? Contact Your Doctor ASAP!
This type of cancer is really dangerous and develops in the inner lining of the stomach. Its symptoms can be easily overlooked in the early stages, which is why you should carefully listen to what your body is trying to tell you… before it’s too late. Depending on the area of the stomach where it develops, this type of cancer produces different kinds of symptoms.
So, Here Are 10 Silent Signs of Stomach Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore
1. Pain in the Upper Abdomen
In the earliest stages, stomach cancer doesn’t come with a lot of obvious symptoms. You may feel vague abdominal pain and discomfort in your belly but you’ll never think that you are a cancer patient when it first happens. That is why, you should pay attention if the signs persist.
During the later stages of gastric cancer, you may experience a buildup of fluid in the upper abdomen and severe pain. Unfortunately, if you detect the cancer in a developed stage, it will be harder to beat it… or, in some cases, it will be impossible.
Keep in mind that the pain may come and go when you suffer from stomach cancer. So, if you repeatedly deal with abdominal discomfort, you should see your doctor to make sure that everything is all right. Postponing your appointment will make everything worse. So, it’s way better to be brave and face the situation until it’s still under control.
2. Feeling Sick in General
Are you becoming ill more often? It may be a sign of having cancer. Your immune system is focusing on fighting the cancer, so it may forget about your other needs. This way, your body becomes more susceptible to other illnesses and infections.
Considering that your immune system is trying to beat the bad cells, it may take a lot of your energy. So, you may deal with tiredness, boredom, and with lack of motivation. Your daily tasks may seem hard to accomplish and all you’d really want to do is sleep. In this case, something is not working as it should and your body needs a break. Make sure you take your time and get some rest. But, most importantly, make sure that you take the time to speak to your doctor.
So, if you are sick more often than before, and you also experience other unusual symptoms, you should visit your doctor ASAP for a check-up. Remember: better be safe than sorry!Â
3. Loss of Appetite
It happens often for those who suffer from stomach cancer to experience loss of appetite. It happens since the early stages of the sickness and it continues until its most dangerous ones. This type of cancer leaves people without a desire to eat for several days at a time. You may think that you just ate too much and your body needs some rest, but in fact, it may be the debut of a life-changing situation. An unexpected weight loss, due to less food consumption and a weak immune system can also occur.
Are you tired of cooking every day and don’t feel the need to eat? If the sensation persists for more than 2 or 3 days, make sure you set an appointment to see your doctor. You’ll feel better if you know that everything is all right.
4. Indigestion
Discomfort in the upper abdomen is described by the general term of indigestion. Even though any kind of inflammation or irritation in the stomach area can cause the symptoms, you should pay attention if they persist for too long. Even though, in most cases, indigestion is not a sign of stomach cancer, it could be.
It’s not unusual to experience indigestion after eating too fast or a meal that we didn’t really enjoy. But it’s unusual if you experience indigestion repeatedly and you should speak to a doctor.
5. Feeling Full After Eating a Small Amount of Food
Many people who are dealing with stomach cancer, experience the feeling of fullness even though they have eaten just a little bit. If you are one of these people, make sure you follow when it happens and if it does occur often, set an appointment for a check-up. The fluid buildup caused by the cancer can create the illusion of a full stomach, not letting you eat.
This symptom is probably one of the most awful ones because as long as you can’t feed yourself properly, you can’t heal. Your body needs vitamins and nutrients to fight cancer and, by not eating, you are just slowing down the healing process. Of course, it’s not your fault. You lose control of your body in situations like this, that is why is best to detect cancer as early as possible.
6. Low-Grade Fever
You already know that when your body fights an infection the fever is normal. Well, in the case of cancer, patients may experience low-grade fever due to the malignancy in the affected areas and the immune’s system efforts to fight it. Keep in mind that fever is more common with advanced stomach cancer.
7. Fatigue
Feeling tired may be the result of a lot of conditions and factors. However, if you are sleeping and resting sufficiently, and still feeling very tired, it can be a sign of an underlying condition. If you are dealing with gastric cancer, the tumor may bleed, causing fatigue. The loss of small amounts of blood, that can’t be seen by human eyes can cause anemia and chronic fatigue.
8. Problems Swallowing
Having difficulties when swallowing is a very common sign of stomach cancer. When does it happen? Well, it happens when you have a tumor that meets the esophagus, by creating the feeling of a barrier. The barrier doesn’t exist, it’s just a psychological effect produced by the throat that needs to be moisturized. Lozengens is a popular brand and it’s used by a lot of patients. It can be found on Amazon and you should try it if you are experiencing this kind of symptoms. It contains Hilton and soothing mint and is, by far, an Amazon bestseller. It’s reviews are great and if you don’t trust us, you should check them by yourself.
9. Nausea
When you have stomach cancer, a lot of fluids build up in your stomach, creating constant nausea. Symptoms may also include vomiting and indigestion. These symptoms indicate cancer only if they are experienced at the same time, repeatedly, without any clear reason.
Are you feeling like vomiting most of the time? Make sure you get an appointment and meet your doctor.
10. Blood in Bowel Movements
Blood in the bowel movements is a very common sign of stomach cancer. When your stomach bleeds, the fluid may collect with the rest of the body’s waste. It’s important to know that stool with blood can appear almost black. Even though changes in bowel movement can also indicate other health issues, you should take a couple of tests to make sure that it’s nothing dangerous you have to deal with.
How to Prevent Gastric Cancer
- Maintain a healthy diet: by eating as healthy as you can, you keep your body away from a lot of issues.
- Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption: every doctor says the same things over and over again, but trust us, by avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol consumption you’ll see significant changes in your body (for the better).
- Get regular check-ups: make sure you visit your doctor 2 times per year to check if everything is fine. This way, you’ll prevent a lot of situations that can put your life in danger.
- Exercise regularly: create healthy habits and go for daily walks, then increase the difficulty and try some pilates, or even cardio if you are brave enough. Keeping your body active will maintain you healthy for longer.
Did you have any cancer patients in your family and it represents a sensitive subject for you? Then, you should also read this article: 15 Lifestyle Changes to Help Prevent Cancer.