10 Silent Signs of Stomach Cancer to Read NOW

stomach cancer
Photo by sebra from Shutterstock

2. Feeling Sick in General

Are you becoming ill more often? It may be a sign of having cancer. Your immune system is focusing on fighting the cancer, so it may forget about your other needs. This way, your body becomes more susceptible to other illnesses and infections.

Considering that your immune system is trying to beat the bad cells, it may take a lot of your energy. So, you may deal with tiredness, boredom, and with lack of motivation. Your daily tasks may seem hard to accomplish and all you’d really want to do is sleep. In this case, something is not working as it should and your body needs a break. Make sure you take your time and get some rest. But, most importantly, make sure that you take the time to speak to your doctor.

So, if you are sick more often than before, and you also experience other unusual symptoms, you should visit your doctor ASAP for a check-up. Remember: better be safe than sorry! 

3. Loss of Appetite

It happens often for those who suffer from stomach cancer to experience loss of appetite. It happens since the early stages of the sickness and it continues until its most dangerous ones. This type of cancer leaves people without a desire to eat for several days at a time. You may think that you just ate too much and your body needs some rest, but in fact, it may be the debut of a life-changing situation. An unexpected weight loss, due to less food consumption and a weak immune system can also occur.

Are you tired of cooking every day and don’t feel the need to eat? If the sensation persists for more than 2 or 3 days, make sure you set an appointment to see your doctor. You’ll feel better if you know that everything is all right.

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