6 Delicious Breakfast Foods That Prevent Dementia

breakfast food
Photo by Carey Jaman from shutterstock.com

1. Chia pudding

If you’re not a fan of chia pudding, you probably didn’t try a good recipe, but I’ll show you a perfect mix that you’ll love. Speaking of chia seeds, I only have one word to describe them: superfood!

That’s because they’re full of fiber, which your body and brain crave in order to fight dementia. You’ll get 10 grams of fiber by only eating 1 ounce of chia seeds, and 2 reasons why nutritionists tell their clients to eat them are that they’ll make you feel fuller for longer and they’ll keep your gut healthy and happy.

The fiber these seeds contain is soluble, which means that they’ll take up more volume in your stomach, keeping your hunger away for a couple of hours. But the good things don’t stop here: chia seeds are perfect for supporting your health and keeping your blood sugar levels in check.

Make your chia pudding the night before so you can eat it as a breakfast food, and I’m pretty sure that you’ll love it. Combine 2 cups of soy vanilla milk with 1/2 cup of chia seeds and a bit of honey if you want it to be sweeter. Mix them well, put them in a container with a lid, and then toss them in the fridge for a couple of hours or until the next day.

When you’re hungry, grab your pudding, add some fresh fruits, like berries or bananas, and enjoy your delicious and dementia-fighting breakfast food!

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