11 Popular Supplements That Hide Major Risks

Photo by Tossapol from Shutterstock


The old phrase we used to hear as kids “Drink all your milk!” came from a nurturing voice that just wanted to assure us a healthy development. Calcium is crucial for strong bones and a healthy heart. The thing is, in order for calcium to be properly absorbed, it needs the right amount of Vitamin D to keep it company.

If not, there is a risk for the extra calcium to settle in our arteries instead of the bones. Studies suggest that calcium supplements may increase the chance of plaque buildup in the aorta and other arteries. So, instead of that, we recommend you to take your calcium from dairy products and leafy greens.

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6 Responses

  1. I take 10 grams of vitamin C whenever i go out. Thats 10,000 mg. it prevents me from catching the wuhan virus.
    I’ve practiced this since March 2020. In the body vitamin C converts to hydrogen peroxide. When a molecule of virus enters my bloodstream it meets a tsunami of hydrogen peroxide and dies.

    1. Unless very high doses of vit c are taken via IV treatment, u will never achieve the levels that u r casually refering to…. This is regardless of the amount of vitamin C u take orally. When taken orally the levels remain quite low. Stop spreading skewed information.

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