Timing Is Hydration: Here Are the 7 Best Times to Drink Water

Photo by Red Confidential from Shutterstock

6. Before, during, and after exercise

Hydrating starts a day or two before the workout. You won’t want to slam water before exercising in hopes of hydrating up—that will likely result in uncomfortable boating and sloshing as you move. Make sure you’re sipping H2O regularly in the days leading up to a workout, particularly for those who are sweaty or tough.

In fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic, you should have a hydration strategy starting the week before an endurance race. Moreover, a study published in 2019 indicated that going into an endurance race dehydrated, even by a small amount, can significantly decrease performance.

But before exercise isn’t the only best time to drink water, experts point out. For moderate workouts (such as hopping on a recumbent bike, jogging outside, or a speed walk in the morning), it’s important to sip water during exercise to replace the fluids you lose when you sweat. Also, be sure to hydrate well after your workout session to avoid muscle cramps and reduced stamina.

By the way, if you’re looking for a sports water bottle, here are plenty of options to choose from!

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