Wash Your Hands IMMEDIATELY After Touching These 10 Disgusting Items

Wash Your Hands
Photo by Netpixi at Shutterstock


When you’re driving, microbial infection is the last thing you’re thinking about. But you should wash your hands well when you get to your destination. Why? Because the main word in “manual transmission” is “manual.”

Even if you’re taking a short trip, your hand spends a lot of time on the knob and picking up microorganisms that might be thriving there. A 2010 experiment supports this idea.

Scientists swabbed 12 common items in a suburban family’s home, then tested those items for bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, and two types of molds, penicillium and aspergillus. One of the things they tested was the gearshift knob of a family car.

It turns out that the gearshift was contaminated with high levels of bacteria and mold. The researchers concluded that drivers pick up mold spores on their way to their cars.

They then take those spores into the vehicle and seal themselves in with those contaminants. If you suffer from respiratory issues, driving over the speed limit may be the least of your worries.

Handrails, doorknobs, and handles

A dermatologist at Columbia University Medical Center in NYC says that one of the most crucial times to remember to wash your hands is after riding public transportation, where many individuals continuously touch the same surfaces.

This includes everything from subway poles to escalators’ handrails to bathroom door handles.

And if you found this post informative, be sure to also read: 10 Common Flu Hotspots You Should Avoid in the Next Couple of Months

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5 Responses

  1. I like the idea you mentioned about the bacteria. It can be here anywhere you touch
    and you didn’t know.

  2. This is good advice. I can add more to the list. Toilet handle, bathtub knobs and rack pole that you hang your rag on, light fixtures, oven doors and knobs, same with microwaves, refrigerator door handles, remote controls. I believe that was said above. Pool ladders or ladders in general. Buggies at stores. Your credit cards, credit catd machines, keys. Basically everything we touch. Our hair brushes, shampoo bottles , soap bottles, and soap dispenser, computer keyboards, mouses, screens etc. I know there’s a lot more. Lol

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