Do You See These 13 Worrying Signs When You Look in the Mirror?

worrying sign
Photo by ivan_kislitsin from

Worrying Sign: Moles

Moles aren’t uncommon, and it’s very unlikely that new moles will appear on your face overnight. But what can these bumps or spots tell you about your health?

Well, for the most part, you have nothing to worry about. However, remembering your ABCDEs is crucial when you’re checking your spots at home.

A – Asymmetrical: Is the shame of your mole different on each side?
B – Border: Is the border of your mole jagged?
C – Color: Is the color of your mole uneven?
D – Diameter: Is your mole larger than a pea?
E – Evolving: Has your mole changed in the past few weeks?

Though these at-home questions can help alleviate some worries about your skin’s health, it’s always important to go in for skin checks, especially if you’re worried about skin cancer. If you answered yes to any of these questions, talk to your doctor!

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One Response

  1. i hate my face and neck wrinkles but dont have the money wish i did to do something with this i got people telling me i look old cause you got winkles that make me feel bad dont want to go out side.

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