9 Serious Diseases That Cause Severe Hair Loss

Photo by Proxima Studio from Shutterstock

5. Diabetes

Living with diabetes doesn’t just mean you have to watch out for desserts. Insulin resistance can have several side effects, one of which is hair loss. In other words, diabetes also makes the list of diseases that cause severe hair loss.

Insulin is found in hair follicles and may be involved in regulating the hair growth cycle and androgen metabolism, both of which are essential factors in male pattern baldness. Moreover, high glucose levels associated with diabetes can end up affecting the blood vessels responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to the follicular units.

Without enough oxygen supply, the hair growth cycle can be impaired, resulting in brittle and thin hair with slowed growth. Basically, high glucose levels can slow down hair growth, making it fall out faster than it can regrow. This results in a notable loss of volume and density in the hair.

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