9 Serious Diseases That Cause Severe Hair Loss

androgenic alopecia
Photo by ivan_kislitsin from Shutterstock

3. Androgenic alopecia

No. 3 on our list of serious diseases that cause severe hair loss is androgenic alopecia. This is a common form of hair loss that affects up to 50% of men. Sometimes called male pattern baldness or male pattern hair loss, the condition is generally caused by a predetermined genetic sensitivity to androgens.

What happens in androgenic alopecia is that the sensitivity of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) causes hair follicles to become shorter and smaller due to a progressively shorter anagen phase, resulting in shorter and thinner hair.

Hair loss tends to happen in the vertex (the crown of your head), mid-frontal scalp areas, and bitemporal (the sides or temples of your hairline). The good news is that, if caught early enough, this non-scarring alopecia may be reversible.

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