Did You Know About These 6 Prediabetes Signs?

prediabetes signs
Photo by Neirfy from Shutterstock

In America, diabetes is a severe health concern. Approximately 11% of the population, or 37.3 million individuals, in America have diabetes. And the best thing you can do is try to prevent it. Because of this, it is a good idea to know about prediabetes signs.

We know that prediabetes doesn’t sound as concerning as diabetes, but you should be aware that once you have it, your chances of getting diabetes are much higher than before.

The number of Americans who have prediabetes is alarming. 96 million people who are older than 18 have it, which is 38% of the entire population of the United States. And what is important to know is that prediabetes doesn’t always have specific symptoms for everyone.

This is why it is essential to know the following prediabetes signs. Read on and find out all about them!

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