Are These 10 Delicious But Expired Foods Safe To Eat?

Photo by Kcuxen from Shutterstock

Expired Food: Pasta

2 years past expiration date

Pasta falls under the dry product category, which is why it doesn’t spoil quickly. The same stands for whole-grain pasta, as the dryness offsets rancidity. That is why you can safely cook it past its due date. The quality may just suffer a bit.

The same goes for uncooked rice, as well as raw oats and oatmeal. But now, if we’re talking about FRESH uncooked pasta, that is a different story.

If it has been kept refrigerated and in an unopened package, it can still be good to consume for a full 7-10 days after the use-by date on the packet.

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2 Responses

  1. This was a great article. Learned a lot about keeping food. Mostly common sense but, still good to know for sure.

    1. Wow! This article was EXCELLENT! I intend to type summary and send to others that I know would feel the same way. Thank you.

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