Are These 10 Delicious But Expired Foods Safe To Eat?

Photo by Liliya Kandrashevich from Shutterstock

Expired Food: Yogurt

3 weeks past expiration

Though yogurt, typically dairy-based, isn’t often thought of as a particularly shelf-stable food, it also has a lifespan beyond its expiration date. If the yogurt is unopened, it’s safe to eat for up to three weeks past the expiration date.

It’s made by adding probiotics and lactic acid bacteria, which help keep harmful bacteria at bay. If you notice that your yogurt has whey that’s separated from the curd, it’s normal and nothing to worry about.

Keeping your yogurt in the fridge and below 40° F / 5° C the whole time will make it safe to eat for 1-2 weeks after the “sell by” date on its package.

Older yogurt always has a more pungent taste, but the moment it tastes terrible or changes in appearance, then it’s time to add it to the expired food category trash it.

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2 Responses

  1. This was a great article. Learned a lot about keeping food. Mostly common sense but, still good to know for sure.

    1. Wow! This article was EXCELLENT! I intend to type summary and send to others that I know would feel the same way. Thank you.

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