Can Diabetics Eat Spicy Foods?

Diabetics eat spicy foods – and there may be more advantages than just taste!

A lot of people who unfortunately suffer from diabetes have to give up a lot of things that used to be their favorites. From sweets to white bread or any other baked goodies, it’s a must to stick to a very strict diet and take medications as prescribed.

Condiments make our foods taste better; they add color, texture, and most importantly, visual appeal. After all, it is super important if the food that we eat looks good, right?

So, because we know that we don’t often read the labels on the items we buy, it’s easy to overlook the fact that not all spices are raw or free of any additives. Understanding how condiments impact blood glucose levels and following a meal plan are essential for anybody with diabetes, regardless of type.

Since there was a lot of controversy regarding the topic of “can diabetics eat spicy foods?” in this article we will debunk all the myths that have been around it and see what doctors say about it.

Diabetics eat spicy foods
Photo by Avocado_studio from Shutterstock

Ground cinnamon

Consuming cinnamon as a diabetic is totally recommended by doctors. Among its precious benefits, cinnamon is a super antioxidant that, according to various research, improves insulin sensitivity and considerably reduces blood sugar.

However, before including cinnamon in your diet, consult your doctor if you use blood thinners. The blood-clotting qualities of cinnamon may cause problems with your medicine. You may bake with it, blend it into smoothies, or sprinkle it over your morning porridge. However, be careful and use just a pinch of it especially if you’re not used to its taste. It can be quite potent!


Turmeric’s strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are primarily due to its main ingredient, curcumin. Curcumin can lower blood sugar fluctuations and minimize the difficulties related to diabetes, according to research.

Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, it’s a great spice to use to strengthen immunity and improve skin health. It’s simple to include turmeric in your diet: stir it into soups, curries, or even a warm glass of milk for a comforting brew during the cold season.

Cayenne pepper

Capsaicin, found in cayenne pepper, has the potential to improve the balance of blood sugar for people who suffer from diabetes. To add to the flavor of your soups, roasted veggies, meats, and salads, use modest quantities of cayenne pepper.

It is advised to take caution while using any spice on the list, not only cayenne pepper, if you’re not used to eating spicy cuisine. All of the spices on the list can be rather strong when used in higher amounts and even if you intend to use them for your benefit


Yes, diabetics can eat garlic without any worries! This spice can help maintain blood sugar at normal levels due to its anti-inflammatory properties. While not many people can eat it raw because of its potent taste and smell, grounded garlic is the best way to add it to your food without worrying that you will scare away all the vampires.

Besides working as a great ingredient for marinades and steaks, garlic is also helpful for reducing blood pressure and cholesterol, making it a heart-healthy supplement. According to a recent study, garlic may improve the evolution of diabetes in 24 weeks if it’s consumed regularly.


Rich in soluble fiber, fenugreek seeds help in lowering blood sugar levels. If the raw flavor of the seeds bugs you, you may grind them and combine them with other spices to season your dishes. Alternatively, soak the seeds for the entire night and add them to smoothies or yogurt.

Choosing foods that are safe to eat might be difficult and overwhelming if you have just received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. With over 100 delicious and healthy recipes plus a 4-week meal plan, you can confidently prepare and savor your meals. This Diabetic Cookbook and Meal Plan makes it simpler to live a healthy, fulfilling life with your condition. It’s available on Amazon for only $6,29 in paperback.

Black pepper

One essential element in black pepper, piperine, helps regulate blood sugar and reduce spikes. Additionally, it enhances digestion, which benefits the glucose-insulin balance. Use however you please in salads, marinades, soups, stews, and almost any dish that’s salty for a bit of extra spiciness without a weird aftertaste, like in the case of cayenne pepper or chili flakes.

One teaspoon of turmeric and one crushed black pepper can be consumed on an empty stomach or one hour before dinner to reduce blood sugar levels.

diabetics eat spicy food
Photo by New Africa from Shutterstock


Cloves are one of the spices that possess both germicidal and antibacterial qualities. They also provide benefits for diabetic digestive health, analgesic properties, and anti-inflammatory properties. Cloves can help regulate blood sugar levels and stimulate insulin synthesis, potentially benefiting diabetes management.

For added warmth in the winter, grind some cloves and add them to baked goods. You can also use whole cloves in tea or simmer them in hot water for a soothing drink.


Another spice that has several health advantages is ginger, which helps control blood sugar. It has been demonstrated to raise insulin sensitivity and lower fasting blood sugar levels. Its ability to reduce inflammation also benefits general health. Try adding it to stir-fries, teas, or roasted vegetables as a spice.

Ginger can cause upset stomachs and give gastroesophageal reflux, so take care not to eat too much at once, especially if you know if you have trouble with it.


If you enjoy adding some extra flavor to your soups besides salt and pepper, but you’re suffering from diabetes, you can use rosemary. This condiment is not only good for lowering blood sugar levels but also aids in weight loss. Moreover, it supports the body’s efforts to increase HDL, the good kind of cholesterol, and decrease LDL, the bad kind.


Mustard is a staple in the pantry for a lot of people, so it would be a bit disappointing to avoid it because you have a medical condition. But the good news is that mustard consumed in moderation is another spice that is absolutely fine for people diagnosed with diabetes. Doctors strongly advise adding it to your diet.

Mustards are known for helping reduce blood sugar levels by increasing insulin receptor signaling. However, it’s important to buy only real mustard, not the one that has added sugar. Check the labels before buying.

Bottom line

One thing is for sure: even if you suffer from diabetes, there is no need to worry about spicing your meals. The food that you’re supposed to eat shouldn’t be bland just because you have a medical condition. That’s why the bottom line is that there is no specific spice to avoid when you have diabetes, as long as you use each of them in moderation.

If you prefer to buy mixed spices, it’s advisable to read all the nutritional information available on the label. This is how you’ll know how much to use based on how much carbs, sodium, or fat it contains. If you’re not sure whether those spice mixes are right for you, it’s always a good idea to talk to your doctor about it.

Related article: 10 Early Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes That Are Often Overlooked. 


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