You Need to Try These 18 Fresh Summer Foods

It’s summertime!

Summers are meant for snoozing on the beach all day long, no doubt. When we think of summer, we think of light, colorful outfits, ice-creams, and tanning with a cold Margarita in our hand. It’s heaven, that’s what summer is.

And when you have so much fun, you need to be mindful of the fact that hot summer days might make you dehydrated and sweaty. To effectively fulfill your nutritional requirements and be in the best of health every summer, we made a list of fruits that you can consume on a regular basis and keep seasonal illness and dehydration at bay.

These juicy and lip-smacking summer fruits will definitely keep you cool and hydrated when you need to face the scorching heat. Not only this, but they also supply rich nutrition to keep you active and agile. Here’s what to try:

Photo by Teri Virbickis from Shutterstock


The king of the fruits is, without a doubt, the first summer fruit on everyone’s list and hearts. There’s nothing more delicious than a ripe mango. Nothing. Maybe sushi, but it’s still debatable. On top of that, it also comes in a wide variety of ways, so no wonder this fruit is genuinely integrated into many dishes, whether sweet or salty.

A mango shake during summertime is the favorite drink of mango, and so are the desserts made with mango. They are as nutritional as they are tasty, packing plenty of antioxidants and containing 83% water content in them. On top of that, mangoes boost our metabolism, strengthen immunity, lower cholesterol, and provide eye health.


You know the saying “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” holds true in every single sense. You would be astonished to find out that munching on an apple is even more effective than coffee when it comes to waking your body.

Well, I still have a hard time believing it, at least not enough to try it on a busy Monday morning, but that’s what scientists say, and they know better. If you have an apple on a daily basis, you will offer your body the much-needed vitamins and minerals. It also enhances digestion, regulates blood sugar levels in the body, and promotes bone and skin health.


Pineapple is well-known for its flavorsome taste. It also serves as an amazing source of vitamin C, manganese, and other antioxidants. It is fibre-packed and boosts your digestion. It’s worth including pineapples in your summer diet, especially if you want to build your immunity and shield your body against cell damage.


Orange is one of those citrus fruits that is incredibly hydrating and energizing for your body. They have a rich water content of up to 87%. Actually, it’s quite easy to carry oranges on the go, and that’s probably one of the reasons why fitness enthusiasts prefer them over many other options. Eating oranges delivers the body a generous amount of vitamin C, helps regulate cholesterol, and enhances heart and skin health.


Papaya is a summer fruit that’s highly recommended by doctors to garner nutrition. It’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and good fiber content. This sweet-tasting fruit also packs a series of health benefits like regulating cholesterol and better immunity and also proves to be good in blood glucose regulation and weight management.


Watermelon is the absolute ideal summer fruit that has 92% water content. It’s also a delight to munch on during hot summer days. The fruit is well-known for its properties that will help you fight inflammation, aid weight loss, and boost the immune system.


Muskmelon is yet another refreshing snack in summer thanks to its delicious taste and high water content. It’s a low-calorie fruit, high in potassium and beta carotene, that builds immunity and promotes cardiovascular, gut, and eye health


Loaded with tons of antioxidants and nutrients, blackberries are both nutritious and delicious. These sweet and juicy berries are well-known for their ability to aid in digestion, keep healthy blood sugar levels and inflammation away, and improve brain function.


Litchi is a tasty tropical fruit from India that’s adored everywhere around the globe for its sweet taste and nutritious content. It is also packed with vitamins, minerals, and a bunch of other healthy antioxidants that keep your body cool during summer. It also strengthens the metabolism and immunity and aids in balancing your diet.


Grapes are another quick and delicious snack that you can simply toss in at home or when you’re on the move. Whether you love black, green, red, or yellow, they all pack the best nutrition and are high in antioxidants. This extremely juicy fruit supports heart and bone health, helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, and also improves memory and mood.

fruit juice summer
Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock


Sweet-tasting Kiwis are the ideal summertime choice. They have a rich nutrition profile, packing a bunch of vitamins such as C, A, and B, but also minerals like iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate. Kiwis are also great at building immunity and are quite good for heart, liver, hair, and skin health.


Whether you like having fresh or dried plums, they are an amazing source of vitamins and minerals that also help reduce inflammation, lower your blood sugar levels, relieve constipation, and promote bone health.


We’re all excited when we get a full bag of fresh and juicy peaches. Not only do they have the best taste in the world, but they’re also quite hydrating. They pack a ton of vitamins A and C, which work really well in maintaining skin health. Peaches are also rich in fibers, which can help you resolve digestive disorders.


Sweet strawberries, which also have plenty of edible seeds on the outside, are 94% water content which makes them one of the most hydrating options. It also consists of vitamin C, manganese, folate, potassium, B vitamins, and vital flavonoids, and it’s quite beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease risk away.


I know, I know, but tomato actually ranks among the fruits with the highest water content. They are extremely delicious and wildly utilized in everyday recipes. They can be eaten raw or cooked and they’re full of nutrients that help support heart health, regulate your blood sugar, and promote skin, hair, and nail health.


Sweet cherries are probably the ultimate summer treat. They pack so many nutrients, we would advise you to eat them on a daily basis, at least in the season. You can either have them fresh or frozen, depending on your preference. They are quite rich in antioxidants, help combat arthritis and exercise recovery, and aid in getting a good night’s sleep.


Bael or wood apple, is a tasty summer fruit that packs plenty of nutrients, such as phenolics, vitamins, fibers, and other needed nutrients. Bael fruit is also known to relieve digestive issues like constipation. It helps in doing away with fatigue and restores your energy levels. It also shields one against sunstroke and relaxes the body.


Refreshing cucumbers are oftentimes present in salads during summertime and also pack 96% water content. They help detoxify your body and also keep constipation at bay. Cucumbers are also quite rich in phytonutrients and vitamins K, C, and B1, and they also contain minerals like copper, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

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