7 Delicious Foods to Help Relieve Constipation

If you want to relieve constipation, these are the foods you should eat!

Do you feel heavy and bloated, and you probably need to go number 2? You go into the bathroom, try and try, but nothing. Don’t worry, I’ve been there too, and I have some tips for you. These high-fiber foods will get things moving fast, so if you want to relieve constipation, keep reading.

As you already know, diet is one of the most important things for your body. The foods you eat play a huge role in staying regular. While some meals can help you hit the bathroom in a matter of minutes, others will block you. It’s never fun, and it can be uncomfortable and even painful in extreme cases.

As you already know, going to the bathroom for number 2 is important, as your digestive system says a lot about your overall health. Your bowel movements or their absence can give you a lot of insight regarding what’s going on inside your body.

relieve constipation
Photo by Me dia from Shutterstock

What about constipation?

We can all relate to the experience of having diarrhea after consuming a portion of contaminated food or feeling unwell. However, if this happens frequently, you should check in with your doctor because it might also be an indication of a more significant issue with your digestive system. According to doctors, it’s pretty normal to have one to three bowel movements per day, but if you have fewer than three bowel movements per week, you might suffer from constipation.

An easy way to relieve constipation is to pay attention to your fiber and water intake. Dietary fiber, commonly known as bulk or roughage, includes parts of plant foods your body isn’t able to absorb or digest. Fiber is an important nutrient your body needs, but it can’t digest it. Instead, it moves through your stomach, small intestine, and colon, and then it quickly gets out of the body. As a result, your bowel movements become heavier and larger but also softer, so they’re easier to pass.

Now that you have a better understanding of why diet is so important for your gut health, it’s time to talk about all those delicious and healthy foods that can help you relieve constipation. Here they are:

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the best foods to relieve constipation and is a great breakfast food. 1 cup of this delicious meal contains 4 grams of fiber, which will help you go to the bathroom ASAP. As doctors explain, insoluble fiber isn’t broken down in your digestive tract and it doesn’t absorb water, but it makes your stools bulkier, which means you’re more likely to need to visit the restroom.

Moreover, oats are rich in a fiber called beta-glucan, which is a strong soluble fiber packed with several health benefits, such as reduced blood sugar and insulin response, as well as decreased LDL (bad) cholesterol.

Make sure you don’t consume instant oatmeal because it’s usually packed with sugar and artificial flavors your body doesn’t need. Stick to regular oats, make your own delicious breakfast at home, add fresh fruits and nuts for some crunch and extra vitamins, and you’ll go to the bathroom faster than you expected.

2. Black beans

Contrary to popular belief, black beans are amazing for helping your body relieve constipation. Half a cup of black beans contains around 6 grams of fiber, which is amazing for helping you hit the restroom. Moreover, they’re packed with protein, which means you’ll feel fuller for longer. Make sure you eat those beans, because they’ll help you get rid of pent-up gas and bloating.

relieve constipation
Photo by Melandaaini from Shutterstock

3. Figs

If you want to relieve constipation and satisfy your sweet tooth at the same time, figs are for you. A fourth cup of this tasty fruit contains 4 grams of fiber, and it tastes amazing in yogurt, smoothies, chia puddings, or plain.

Figs will get things moving, prevent chronic constipation, and improve your colonic transit time. Moreover, as nutritionists say, this fruit is also rich in ficain, an amazing nutrient that helps you go number 2. If you don’t like the food combinations we’ve previously mentioned, you can eat figs on a fruit pizza or toast with ricotta and burrata cheese. A heavenly combination that will relieve constipation in no time!

4. Yogurt

Tired of having oatmeal for breakfast? Say no more! There are plenty of other incredible and nutritious foods that can help relieve constipation quickly. One standout is yogurt. This magical food, while not a source of fiber, is loaded with probiotics that support digestion and keep things moving smoothly. To kick it up a notch, pair it with some fiber-rich fruit. A cup of raspberries, for instance, packs a powerful punch with an impressive 10 grams of fiber. It’s a delicious, gut-friendly combo worth trying!

Make sure you include yogurt in your diet because it’s a fantastic source of probiotics, yeasts, and bacteria that are necessary for your gut and are associated with digestive health. Try out this combination and help your body relieve constipation!

5. Sweet potatoes

Relieve constipation and indulge in the best sweet and savory snack at the same time. Sweet potato fries (baked or air-fried) are crispy, tasty, and full of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins A, B12, D, B6, iron, and magnesium.

A cup of mashed sweet potatoes contains 8 grams of fiber, and if you pair it with a lean source of protein, such as grilled chicken breast or smoked salmon, you’ll have a nutritious meal packed with protein and healthy carbs. Trust me, you’ll run to the bathroom!

…If you want to make delicious fish, meat, and fries that are healthy and full of vitamins, I recommend you pop them in the air fryer. They’ll be crisp and juicy at the same time. This is the gadget I have at home, and let me tell you that I love it! It makes the best food ever!

relieve constipation
Photo by Nungning20 from Shutterstock

6. Apples

An apple a day might not keep the doctor away, but it will help you relieve constipation in no time. This fruit is delicious, crunchy, and sweet, and it’s full of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Apples contain an excellent soluble dietary fiber known as pectin and this one will get things moving. Fast!

A medium apple contains around 4 grams of fiber, so imagine combining it with yogurt, oatmeal, and cinnamon. You’ll relieve constipation in no time, and your tummy will be light and happy again. Make sure you don’t peel the skin because that’s where the majority of the fiber is.

…The next food on our list can easily be turned into pudding, so keep reading to discover what we’re talking about!

7. Chia seeds

Add chia seeds to your diet and relieve constipation ASAP! This food is high in fiber but is also packed with protein, so you’ll be full for hours. One ounce of chia seeds contains around 10 grams of fiber, which is amazing for your gut health. Moreover, they contain potassium, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants, so make sure you consume them in oatmeal, smoothies, baked goods, yogurt bowls, and pudding.

Combine 1/4 cup chia seeds with 1 tablespoon of pure maple syrup, one cup of your favorite milk, and a dash of vanilla extract, and mix well. Add a cup of fruit and a tablespoon of granola, and pop it in the fridge for at least a couple of hours or even overnight. It’s a delicious breakfast that will keep your hunger levels in check and help your body relieve constipation quickly.

In conclusion, if you want to relieve constipation, have glowy skin, and have good digestion, make sure you stick to healthy foods and limit the number of processed meals. Don’t forget to drink water and unsweetened tea, and you’ll be golden!

Do you know any other foods that will keep your body regular? Let’s chat in the comments! If you find this article helpful and would like to check out something else from Indulging Health, here’s a great post for you: 9 Potentially Harmful Vitamins That Can Threaten Your Health


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