10 Reasons You Should Eat Like Your Ancestors

Do you think that eating like your ancestors is a good thing or a bad thing?

Before you say anything, we are not trying to praise the paleo diet here but letting you know that, from several points of view, what your great-great-grandfather used to eat is way better than what and how you’re used to eating today.

To point out this, compare the store-bought eggs you’re getting weekly from your local grocery store to the eggs your great-great-grandparents ate. Yeah, you can’t really find a strong point of reference… However, it doesn’t mean you can’t “steal” some of their healthy eating habits. How we eat is equally important, so are you ready to follow in your ancestors’ footsteps?

Photo by Alexander Raths from Shutterstock

1. Eat grass-fed beef

Decades ago, cattle used to roam freely on the fields, meaning that what they indulged in was natural and unprocessed. Well, we can’t say the same thing today. Nowadays, due to modern industrial agriculture, most cattle are fed a mix of grains that primarily contains soy and corn. Both soy and corn are actually used to put excess fat on the cattle.

On top of that, they could also receive hormones to fatten them up. All that fat will eventually end up on your plate. That’s why you should always opt for grass-fed beef. As a general rule, grass-fed cows have less fat than grain-fed cattle. Studies even suggest that grass-fed beef is more abundant in omega-3 fatty acids than grain-fed beef.

So, from this point of view, eating like your ancestors is definitely a good idea.

2. Focus on pasture-raised eggs

Again, chickens used to be free in the past, eating whatever they wanted to. Now, most chickens are caged, being unable to work their muscles in very tight places. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating meat and eggs that come from cage-free chickens. Ideally, it would be great to consume pasture-raised eggs and poultry.

As the name suggests, chickens are actually given enough space in green environments, meaning that your scrambled eggs will taste amazing, and not just that, but they will provide even more nutrients and vitamins.

Several studies point out that pasture-raised eggs have two-thirds more vitamin A, three times as much vitamin E, and twice as much omega-3 fatty acids than commercial eggs.

3. Steer clear of farm-raised fish

Unsurprisingly, wild-caught fish is way better than farm-raised ones. Your ancestors harvested wild fish using different methods (some of them are still used today), such as nets, fishing rods, and traps. Unlike them, most times, we eat farm-raised fish, especially if we buy salmon from our local grocery store.

For instance, did you know that more than half of the seafood consumed throughout the entire world is actually farm-raised? No? Well, the number seems to get bigger and bigger, so maybe in a couple of decades from now on, our descendants will eat only farm-raised fish.

Who knows… Until then, it would be best to opt for wild-caught fish.

4. Don’t avoid salt entirely

While salt could bring about a plethora of unpleasant health conditions, it all boils down to how much you consume. As long as you’re getting the ideal amount of sodium per day (no more than 1,500 mg for healthy adults), your body will definitely thank you for that. Sodium plays an essential role in our bodies, including aiding good digestion and improving sleep quality.

Salt is also a natural antihistamine, meaning that the recommended amount will most likely keep your asthma attacks at bay. Apart from all of that, salt is able to lower adrenaline spikes and support thyroid function, not to mention that unrefined salt has as many as 84 traces of minerals, all of which are essential for proper body functions.

5. Go nuts

Whoever told you that going nuts is a bad thing, they most definitely didn’t know what they are talking about. Nuts are filled with vitamins and minerals, so, from this perspective, going nuts is certainly a good thing. Walnuts, almonds, pecans, Macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, cashews, and pistachios are tasty sources of magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium, phosphorus, and vitamin E.

The best part? All types of nuts may help you lose weight, lower cholesterol, manage type 2 diabetes, reduce inflammation, and minimize the chances of developing heart disease. Now that you know all the perks of eating nuts, there’s no wonder why our ancestors used to live longer than us.

6. Focus on organic fruit and veggies

Although the cost of organic veggies and fruit is significantly higher than the cost of regular ones, believe me… it is totally worth it, especially when referring to certain fruits and veggies.

There was no such thing as pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, ionizing radiation, or genetically modified organisms when our ancestors harvested their crops, but times have changed, and even when we want to eat healthier, most times, even veggies and fruits (the definition of healthy) are contaminated with lots of dangerous chemicals.

Researchers suggest that even after washing, your veggies may still contain a considerable amount of pesticides. So, it’s best to focus more on organic produce.

7. Buy organic honey

For centuries now, honey has been used as a natural medicine for treating all sorts of ailments. Our ancestors used to eat honey when they had mild sore throats or burns. What they probably didn’t know back then is the fact that consuming organic honey regularly has a plethora of health benefits. However, due to modern medicine, numerous studies have pointed out its powerful properties.

Those who have trouble sleeping should add one tablespoon of honey to their cup of tea before bedtime, as it appears that honey helps improve sleep quality. Due to its powerful properties, honey can lower blood pressure, too. All in all, honey is a wonder of nature, and if you really want to benefit from the same properties just like your ancestors did years ago, opt for organic.

Photo by Marian Weyo from Shutterstock

8. Spice up your meals with garlic

Back then, our great-great-grandparents didn’t have many options when it comes to seasoning their meals; that’s why most of them were spiced up with garlic. Not for nothing did Hippocrates once mentioned that garlic is able to treat a wide variety of minor medical conditions… Modern medicine just confirmed what our ancestors knew for years and years…

But due to evolution, new discoveries have been made. For example, did you know that garlic has the ability to reduce blood pressure, lower the risk of heart disease, prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia, and detoxify your body? No matter how you choose to consume it, garlic makes the perfect addition to any dish.

9. Make your own butter

Real butter packs a wide range of benefits, so it’s not the smartest thing to avoid eating butter by all means. What you can do is to make your own butter at home or at least make sure what you’re about to buy is the real deal.

Organic butter is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Numerous studies have proven that organic butter may help with several health issues, including heart disease. Furthermore, recent studies point out that organic butter consumption may improve eyesight, strengthen bones, balance hormones, and boost nutrient absorption.

10. Create your own herb garden

Honestly, as long as you have a square foot garden, there’s virtually no need to buy your herbs from your local grocery store or supermarket. Herbs such as basil, mint, thyme, rosemary, cilantro, oregano, tarragon, sage, parsley, marjoram, and dill could easily fit in a small garden. You can even create your own herb sanctuary on your balcony!

Plus, your efforts will pay off eventually. Growing your own herbs will assure you that your meals will stay chemical-free, meaning that you won’t indulge in pesticides and other potentially dangerous substances that could harm your health.


Apart from anything else, from certain points of view (like the ones we’ve mentioned), eating like your ancestors could definitely boost some health aspects of your life, and not only that… Being familiar with the methods they used to harvest/procure their foods or deal with everyday issues will offer you a much clear picture of how things used to be done in the past.

Besides, if you do opt for growing your own herbs and plants, you will most definitely improve your physical health, too. So, are you ready to live and eat like your ancestors (you won’t have to cut Netflix off your list, PROMISE!)?

Looking for more natural ways to improve your life? Check out this amazing article: These 11 Foods Help You Destroy Germs and Viruses, Science Says. 


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