11 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Bananas

Photo by Tatiana Bralnina from Shutterstock

Here are all the things you probably did not know about bananas even if they are your favorite fruit!

Bananas, like most fruit on the planet, are extremely nutritious and healthy. But compared to other fruits, they are one of the most popular fruits in the U.S. Americans consume an average of 27 pounds of bananas per person every single year. And it’s not surprising at all, since they are delicious, providing numerous health benefits.

Besides, they are also a convenient snack. It’s easier to throw a banana in your bag and eat it later than take a bowl of strawberries with you, which you’ll have to wash properly before consumption. People of all ages say that bananas are their favorite healthy snack, mainly because they don’t require an entire washing process as most fruits do.

However, aside from being highly convenient, they also offer a plethora of health benefits. So, let’s find out exactly what you’re getting from your favorite fruit!

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28 Responses

  1. Very informative and helpful. I had no idea how beneficial bananas were. I plan to eat them much more often now.

    1. just wish they wouldn’t ripen so fast then they are full of sugar how can that be good for you ?

      1. You can peel them, cut them in small pieces and freeze them. They can later be used in smoothies with apple cider and frozen blueberries.

        1. I understanding what you are saying. However, ask your doctor what is the specific cure for diabetes and not just addressing the symptoms with the no aftermath side effects.

      2. I buy green bananas and slice them and put them into freezer bags to retain the benefits of green bananas. I hope that this helps.

  2. I did know that bananas is good for you…but didn’t know that bananas are that good for us to eat every day ….thank you for sharing 🙏💕 Joann 💕

  3. Avery important banana positive is that when they start to turn brown just unskin them, cut in bite size pieces, put in a freezer bag and freeze…They will last for months without turning brown…They will defrost in minutes or just add to milk and eat…

  4. Thank you so much about the article of eating unripe bananas and its benefits. I’ve been eating unripe bananas since I was a child and I love it. Now I know why I never gained weight. I will pass this information to all my friends . I’m 70yrs old and I wear small sizes and 5’5 height

  5. I learned more about bananas than I ever knew from this very informative article. I really only knew that they were a good source of potassium. They have now become an important part of my diet due to this outstanding article.

    1. Me too. I knew about the potassium, and knew they have more sugar when the get overripe, but I sure didn’t know about the green ones. I love to make peanut butter banana smoothies with unsweetened vanilla almond milk, a few spinach leaves, and chia or flax seeds.
      It’s good, give it a try!

  6. It would be helpful to define what an unripe banana looks like (how much green etc). Otherwise, very helpful content.

  7. If bananas help regulate sugar levels why every time I eat bananas my sugar goes up please explain!!!!

  8. Bananas are a super good.
    But not the best when kept in the refrigerator, it makes them gummy but still good 😊.

  9. I think an unripe banana is good as long as i can peel it. Thank you for the very informative article about bananas. I look forword to many more type articles.

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