Aging or Parkinson’s? Here Are 13 Essential Ways You Can Tell

Image By Halk-44 From Shutterstock

Your takeout

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder that mostly affects the elderly population. We should all be aware of its symptoms and call the doctor as soon as we notice them in ourselves or a loved one.

Unfortunately, many people who start experiencing these signs might feel too embarrassed to discuss them with their family or visit a specialist, so we should always pay attention to unusual changes.

Many times, shaky hands or stiffness can simply be a normal sign of aging. However, as I always like to say, prevention is always better than treatment!

With that in mind, I’m going to leave you a few of our top retiree resources so you can live a healthy, happy life: 10 Subtle Signs of Dementia Every Retiree Should Know

Before you go… have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Parkinson’s? Share your experience in the comment section and let’s help each other manage this condition better!

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6 Responses

  1. Thank you so much for this informative post! I’m77 and haven’t really been feeling great…. A lot of the symptoms mentioned are present in my life right now. Fortunately I have an appointment with my Dr this week and I will certainly bring up all my concerns. Thank you !

  2. I need to know the symptoms for my dad and I have a granddaughter that has been diagnosed with parkausim and she has the gene for Parkinson’s it is genetic she is two years old and some days she shakes really bad and it is hard to watch her she also has seizures

  3. I hAve unexpected tremors of my hands sometimes. I never know when they will occur, could this be a symptom of Parkinson’s?

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