6 Most Aggressive Cancer Types Affecting Seniors

Aggressive Cancer Type
Photo by didesign021 at Shutterstock

Lung Cancer

Unfortunately, over half of the individuals who get this aggressive cancer type are more than 70 years old. But even though there have been many advances in treating lung cancer, it remains one of the deadliest cancers known to man. The 5-year survival rate is a mere 21%.

And studies show that more than 235,000 people were diagnosed with lung cancer in 2020. Out of those, 131,000 people passed away from the disease. So, it’s vital for seniors to get routine lung cancer screenings if they smoke or smoked for over 30 years before quitting.

Doctors can use CT scans to look at your lungs and detect any signs of this disease. The good news is that there have been quite a few new treatments for this aggressive cancer type in recent years called targeted therapies.

Certain medicines are used that specifically target cancerous cells. This is different than the traditional chemotherapies, which can impact healthy cells and many other parts of the body. So, if you have lung cancer, be sure to talk about your treatment options with your physician.

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