7 Worst Foods You Can Eat for Diabetes (+ Healthy Alternatives)

Photo by goffkein.pro from Shutterstock

Are You a Diabetes Patient? Strictly AVOID These 7 Foods!

As one of the most common illnesses in the U.S., diabetes has been studied extensively during the past few years. Aside from taking the right treatment recommended by your specialist and staying active, your diet can literally change your life as a diabetic.

Gerald Bernstein, M.D., director of the diabetes management program at Friedman Diabetes Institute in New York, the most important thing about your diet is keeping blood sugar within normal limits. That’s exactly why those delicious desserts like cake and sodas are on the no-no list. I know the news is not great at all! But at least, there are a lot of sources available, teaching you how to make the best out of a boring dish. So, don’t be sad. You’ll get used to your new lifestyle.

However, it’s not just the sweets that make a difference. Turns out, every type of carb matters, and unhealthy fats can also increase your risk for heart disease (since diabetics are at high risk for cardiovascular problems).

Whether you want to prevent diabetes or you already have it and want to avoid any long-term complications, our list of 7 bad foods for diabetes (and their healthier alternatives) is a great place to start.

Ready? Let’s have a look:

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