11 Popular Supplements That Hide Major Risks

Photo by Natalia Golubnycha from Shutterstock

Soy isolate

Soy products won the hearts of many for being good against menopausal symptoms, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels and improving bone health and memory. When it comes to menopausal symptoms, women resort to taking soy isolate supplements.

Although it might be helpful, on the long-term you might encounter some side-effects. As the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) states, if you use soy isoflavone for a longer period of time, it might increase the risk of endometrial hyperplasia, which is a thickening of the lining of the uterus that may lead to cancer. Doctors recommend us to eat whole soy foods as much as we wish but to avoid taking the soy isolate supplements.

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6 Responses

  1. I take 10 grams of vitamin C whenever i go out. Thats 10,000 mg. it prevents me from catching the wuhan virus.
    I’ve practiced this since March 2020. In the body vitamin C converts to hydrogen peroxide. When a molecule of virus enters my bloodstream it meets a tsunami of hydrogen peroxide and dies.

    1. Unless very high doses of vit c are taken via IV treatment, u will never achieve the levels that u r casually refering to…. This is regardless of the amount of vitamin C u take orally. When taken orally the levels remain quite low. Stop spreading skewed information.

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